
we are we are the kids of the nation

Education News » President Obama has it right: America needs education

Regardless of one's politics, it is always good to have a smart POTUS (President of the United States) visiting your state.

Sure there are the inevitable traffic jams, police overtime costs and logistical headaches. But there is nothing better than commanding our president's attention, as well as that of the nation and the world, on your hometown. To have his focus on education is icing on the cake.

[ Dinosaurs, Picasso, Solar Collectors | What's the best local museum? Cast your vote ]

Education and talent will rule as the 21st century unfolds. It should be our goal to make Michigan and America the brain bank of the world, where everyone comes for deposits and withdrawals. The city, state, and nation that gets right its system of learning to prepare its citizens to be competitive on the world stage will soar while others sour.


Tom Watkins

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Siemens Gigaset M 740 AV DVBT Set-Top-Box Twin-Tuner

Siemens Gigaset M 740 AV DVBT Set-Top-Box Twin-Tuner:
Die Set-Top-Box Gigaset M740AV empfngt nicht nur digitales terrestrisches Fernsehen (DVB-T), sondern bertrgt alle gngigen Mediadaten wie Filme, Bilder und Musik vom PC auf den Fernseher bzw. die HiFi-Anlage. Auerdem knnen Sie mit dem Gigaset M740AV zeitversetzt fernsehen, wenn Sie dieses Gert mit Ihrem PC ber ein Ethernet oder ein Wireless LAN vernetzen bzw. eine Festplatte ber USB anschlieen.


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How To Hot Wire A Car!!!

Knowing how to hotwire a car is just one of those things anyone even remotely interested in cars should do; not so you can go out and steal cars (what you read here probably won't really help you with that). Click below to find out how to hotwire a car.

Funk Flex


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Inexpensive ipad Add-ons For An Excellent Consumer Experience

Since the start of the iPad, most Americans have shifted towards the use of this mobile phone for surfing the web. According to 2009 Semi-yearly US wireless industry survey carried out by the International Association for the Cellular Telecoms Business (CTIA), some 64.81 % of People in america personal possibly an iPhone or perhaps an iPad. The same organization has it that some 91 % of People in america personal a mobile phone. This means 285 million individuals.

All these people will require add-ons for their cellular devices for example iphone cases and covers sooner or later. Here are some inexpensive ipad accessories which will fit in with your device and provide another consumer experience out of your gadget.

los que hirio el amor

TERMOPILAS 2009: Homenaje a Robert Anderson

Bob Anderson es poco conocido fuera de los crculos cinfilos. Sin embargo su labor fu fundamental en el cine de aventuras de los ltimos cincuenta aos. Porque Anderson fu maestro de esgrima.
 Nacido en 1922 en Inglaterra, sirvi durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial con los Royal Marines en el "HMS Coventry", a cuyo hundimiento sobrevivi en el Mediterrneo. All se aficion a los deportes. A mediados de los cuarenta comenz a practicar la esgrima y en 1952 ya perteneca al Equipo Britnico de Esgrima en Helsinki, quedando quinto. All llam la atencin de algn productor de Hollywood.
 Cuando se retir de la esgrima activa, entren con el legendario Roger Crosnier y consigui el puesto de Selecconador Nacional de Esgrima de Gran Bretaa. Durante la dcada de los cincuenta se dedica a trabajar y viajar con su equipo y a dar cursos privados.