
Can Lose Weight By Cleansing My Liver

can lose weight by cleansing my liver

A new GP for a health Check.

Got a good start with some running with my brother's fianc, and some yoga on my own. Had to shop before breakfast for the fruit I couldn't afford at the market yesterday. Blended up 3 oranges an apple and 100g each of ground (in my coffee grinder) almonds and cashews. I think I could blanch the cashews myself, I know they are more expensive. I left it blending for a long time, but the consistency never really got totally smooth. I had it on apple, banana and kiwi fruit with LSA. It was really good and filling. I could get used to it.
I had a sandwich of sourdough rye with homos, avocado, grated carrot and cucumber and sardines. It needed the sardines.
I had no coffee today.
I felt a bit racy. The speed…
I went and saw a new GP today, my old one went traveling in Africa. The new one is lily white with a faint red tinge, like a rash, and has a stern grey moustache. He said the iridologist telling me I had a fatty liver was no magic. Anyone overweight has a fatty liver. I told him about Granpa Harry dying of liver cancer, but he didn't want to hear about Grand Uncle Jack. I told him I finished a binge (3 months) 12 months ago and have had no booze since. And just gave up coffee.
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I laughed about it, but he didn't find it funny and seemed pretty skeptical about my justification for going on a Liver-Cleanse diet. He measured me – I have shrunk 2 cm if I ever was 175cm, but the clinic scales said I was 80kg fully dressed. I wonder if it is 'adjusted' for clothing? I am still 4kg overweight – the healthy range goes down to 56kg for someone my height. That would be for reedy bodies though… but still; I can afford to lose a lot. The doctor was very skinny.
With my late start, every time I looked at the clock today it was later than I expected. When I went to make dinner with only an hour and didn't have all the ingredients. I did a little panic, totally frustrated, feeling defeated. I think this is a little autistic. I called friends and family to talk about it. I got onto a mate, but couldn't really discuss it. He did listen and confided ordinary details of his own day to me. He tries to help how he can. I can't expect more.
In the end I ate a plain bowl of rice ¼ of a cup, white, with some tamari, and plums from the tree in my back yard. I ate the other ¼ cup when I got home from my group meeting, with the fruit yogurt left over from breakfast (there is quite a bit of it), and some LSA.
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I feel full enough, after some hunger pains, but when I miss a 'square' meal, it feels like my blood pressure goes up and blood sugar goes down. Fasting is hard for me.
I must summarize Podvoll tomorrow.
I have not had enough time to read.
My handyman skills are pretty hopeless.
I fixed my screen door mechanism, sort of.
I must see my psychiatrist soon.
Will he support a 'windhorse' style home recovery?

I asked the GP for input about coming off medication. I wanted to know if he had any experience with people who recover from schizophrenia. He said in some people the psychosis just burns itself out. Some people come off their medication successfully under close supervision, but usually just temporarily. I find this incredibly depressing. The medication effects the way I think. Can you, dear reader change the way you think? You think you can? Well, I ask you: why can a sufferer of psychosis not come to understand their illness and – change the way they think – so they no longer need the 'prosthesis', medication represents for the mind to help it retain touch with reality.
I have been on a high recently, not manic, just positive. I don't think this doctor really understands.
I split hairs with him over whether schizophrenia is a disease or a condition, because a disease indicates a biological process of decline, whereas a condition refers to a state of relationship between the mind and reality.
He talked about blood pressure medication that people can come off. If conditions change – lose weight, exercise, eat better. Why could not psychosis resolve itself? Chronic. My life is a tragedy. He didn't want to hear my 'Windhorse' thesis, and suggested I just better do what my psychiatrist says. I joked "It could be my liver". He abruptly indicated the appointment was over. Stigma is a terrible thing.

On the way home I was victim of mild road rage from a guy in a white ute. He was menacing and slurring. I wondered if I had somehow attracted this by daring to challenge the status quo. Reactionaries will respond if the balance is threatened, even if the balance involves miserable aimlessness and enforced submission in 'deserving' people. Try not to mix up sin and madness, the two are different.
We could outlaw war, but then where would be the ultimate recourse for challenging sustained injustices?

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