
Why Am So Sick All The Time

why am so sick all the time

@Mayweather vs. Pacquiao "$#^% YOU!" -Your Fans

By Frank Car: Okay, okay. Just… okay. Enough. Now it looks like Mayweather vs Pacquiao will not be happening anytime soon unless things change quite quick, and it seems like Cotto is going to be in the mix somewhere, against either Mayweather or Pacquiao. But still no Mega-Fight. So… this is the effort that was put into "giving the fans what they want."

Most of you probably know the negations for the May-Pac match have been up and down. Both men though, in countless times in recent memory, have been amplifying that they want to give the fans what they want. Uh huh.

Negotiations were ongoing then things in a snag and "Money" May went to work even to do so much as to personally call Pacquiao on the phone. Well, that got the job done right? Probably would have except for Mayweather somehow, thinks he deserves more than 50%. In fact the deal rumored that he offered to Pacquiao was a straight 40M (million) cut. Estimates say it could generate another 150M on top of that. So more than 50% is putting it lightly. Bob Arum — pacquiao's promoter, who has been no angel in his constant variation, of quite honestly, bs stories — came back with a clever counter offer than would give Mayweather a 45M guaranteed straight cut. Which of course is more a joking ploy then it is a counter offer, because Mayweather knows he could make much more than that.

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But, let's stick to the point of who's corner it was in last. Mayweather, taking control and getting things done.. not quite. He calls Pacquiao to essentially tell him he wants the most amount of money, or basically to try and "sell" him. Period.

(not actual conversation / dramatization)
"Hey let's get this done. I am reaching out to you. Let's do this deal, I want in on May 5th and let's give the fans what they want to see… oh but by the way, I want most the money."


WHAT? Did I say WHAT? Wait.. I thought I said WHAT? Who said WHAT? Did you say WHAT? WHAT???

Are you serious? Pacquiao has generated more PPV buys then Mayweather in recent bouts, and you know actually, I am not even going to get into listing the reasons why Pacquio deserves at least 50%. We all can just start naming them in our heads right now. The thing I want to address is why, Mayweather –whom I was ecstatic over for taking this initiative to call Pacquiao at first, not knowing the full story, and almost wrote this article on him on 'that's how you get it done' blah, blah — somehow thinks this is fair and this is "giving the fans what they want." This is "taking more for what me, 'Money' Mayweather wants." In NO way is this thinking of the fans, unless he is planning on cutting a nice piece of that check to them somehow to show his appreciation but I don't think that will be happening. However I'm sure we'll be seeing pictures of him holding it in various ways. *Pose cellphone* *Pose two bricks in each hand*

Or is that just the newest excuse out as to why this isn't happening? I just don't care anymore. And that trend seems to be spreading.

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Brian Croft

I'm just so sick of all of it. There is something called the sweet science. Where two men honorably face each other. You know boxing could be called "counter". You throw a punch, it leaves you open for that counter, they throw a counter, it leaves them open for a counter, and so on, and so on. There is quite a lot going on there, that perhaps most don't see. It is sweet and it is science. Literally, from the angles to the footwork, to having your feet set in the proper place to be able to throw that powerful punch. And then we, the fans, who pay everybody's salary, who want to see two masters at this science go at it, are constantly let down because of what is it now? "I want more than 50% of the money." … *puke*

I guess the winner takes the biggest share is out of the question? What am I thinking, why would something like that ever take place in a prize fight. Wait, that would make sense since if any person on the planet stepped in the ring with another person and they had money on it they wouldn't say "Hey when this is over we'll just split the money."

Idiot #2 – "Okay."

No.. the winner gets the lions share in a prize fight, hence the word "prize". But apparently not in the business boxing world. Who draws more PPV gets the biggest share. Wait.. all though logical, still not right. Ah that's it, whoever's promoter can swing them the best deal gets the most money. Or should I say gets himself the most money.

"Logical — What's Right — Common Sense" .. "What are these absurd qualities were talking about setting up a prize fight here!"

Mayweather vs Pacquiao.. the bout that was suppose to save boxing. Bring it back and beyond the main stream of sports.. yes I was once a believer too. Now, sadly, at it has done is really point out a lot of the negative corrupt crap that's seemed to have got it's clutches in boxing since it was born and hasn't let go. All we needs is this to happen in about 5 years from now when they are almost 40, with some absurd judging and that should sum things up. Which is sadly, very realistic. I would summarize that more, yes more then 50% of the time it goes to the judges, I wonder who got richer. And so do you, I'm not alone here. Some how, perhaps more than 50% of the time, the judges don't seem to see what we see. Not that is May-Pac fault but it just get me thinking. This whole ordeal just got me thinking about alot of the negative crap in boxing, instead of the opposite as it should have been. There are the promoters, who simply put in my opinion are some the of the shadiest people on the planet. Who say one thing and do another, constantly. Wait there is a word for that.. oh yeah, lying. Who are so bold, brazen and set in their ways they will tell you "if it doesn't make dollars it doesn't make sense." It's like their catch phrase. In fact if one of them is reading this right now they're thinking "damn right." But that should tell you everything you need to know right there. What the motivation behind everything is. It would be nice to think it's what the fans want. But living in reality here for a second. It's not. At all.

There is no set "governing body" in boxing. Yeah sure you have athletic commissions you have to get a licence from to box in their state. But can't get one in that state.. go to another? Can't get one there.. go to Mexico? Can still put it on PPV… right? It's promoters contacting each other, and swindling the best deal they can for themselves. "You sit down with our people, we'll sit down with your people, and then we'll talk." And none of it's going to be about the sweet science, it's going to be about the mean green, the golden buck, the all might dollar. And there is no talk of the fans unless it's of course about what could generate more money from them. Aside from that it's let's think of our selves, it's business as usual, and it's #$^% the fans. Oh yeah? Not on this one, not this time, you dangled the carrot too long. So here comes one hot off the press, straight from the fans… #$^% YOU!

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