
Where Is Thedead Sea

where is thedead sea

Hubble Telescope Confirms Dead Sea Scrolls « Freedoms Journal


ORLANDO, Fla., Feb. 14, 2012 [Christian Newswire] — An amazing passage concerning the universe recorded in the Dead Sea Scrolls has been confirmed by the Hubble Telescope, according to a new book being released at New York City's BookExpo America this summer.

The book retraces the history of the telescope, and is based on Hubble's discoveries made over the past two decades. It reveals how Hubble has photographed the greatest cinematic drama in human history, while at the same time confirming what the ancient prophet Isaiah recorded over two millennia ago about the unimaginable energy source behind the universe.

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Mark Laita

The Dead Sea Scrolls (a collection of biblical scrolls) were discovered by a young goat herder in caves near the Dead Sea between 1947 and 1956. In among those old scrolls was found this passage originally recorded by Isaiah around 732 BCE.

"To whom will you compare me? Who is my equal?" asks the Holy One. "Look up into the heavens. Who created all the stars? He brings them out like an army, one after another, calling each by its name. Because of his great power and incomparable strength, not a single one is missing." – Isaiah 40:25, 26

Author J. Paul Hutchins in his book, "Hubble Reveals Creation by an Awe-Inspiring Power" says that Isaiah recorded what appears to be a Divine Invitation from God to mankind, inviting us to search the stars to find anyone equal in power.

After retracing the history of the telescope and doing four years of research into Hubble's discoveries Hutchins says, "I'm convinced that when Galileo, (as if being drawn by some invisible magnetic force) turned his telescope to the night sky ignited in man, an insatiable quest to the stars."

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Heidi R. Kling

"Since Galileo, man has been compelled forward in his quest, spending billions of dollars and devoting hundreds of millions of man hours in a race to the stars that has now culminated in the invention of the Hubble telescope, that for the past two decades has recorded the greatest drama in human history; the creation of an Awe-Inspiring Universe in detail never before revealed, confirming the power Isaiah spoke about."

When Isaiah wrote about the power behind the universe he didn't have the benefit of a powerful space telescope, yet his description matches the discoveries made by Hubble in recent years of powerful galaxies like the Sombrero Galaxy, which Hutchins says was his inspiration for the book. The Sombrero with its ominous glow at its center exhibits unimaginable energy. The glow is made up of eight hundred billion stars like our own sun and gives it the look of a Mexican sombrero hat.

Thanks to the discoveries made by NASA's Hubble and other telescopes around the world, it is thought that the known universe is made up of over one hundred twenty five billion galaxies like the Sombrero, collectively exhibiting an energy source beyond comprehension.

According to a report by BBC News, Astronomers in Australia say there are 10 times more stars in the visible Universe than all the grains of sand on the world's beaches and deserts. Those scientists think the universe may contain as many as 70 sextillion stars, and that is only the stars in the visible Universe within range of our telescopes, but they suspect many more are out there.

It makes you wonder; has man's insatiable quest to the stars been of his own doing, or have we been drawn into this quest by some invisible force, in response to the invitation Isaiah recorded in those old scrolls?

Is it all part of some Divine Plan to show us how small we really are compared to the One responsible for all the stars, and perhaps give us a glimpse at our future destiny as our insatiable quest emboldens us to boldly go where no man has gone before, out into an Awe-Inspiring Universe?

How did Isaiah know about this unimaginable power without the aid of a space telescope thousands of years before Hubble revealed it?

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